The 2nd International Conference on Digital Image Processing and Computer Applications (DIPCA 2025)
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2024年图像处理与计算机应用国际学术会议(IPCA 2024)成功举办

2024 International Conference on Image Processing and Computer Applications Successfully Held


随着科技的不断进步,图像处理与计算机应用领域正迎来前所未有的发展机遇。近日,备受瞩目的2024年图像处理与计算机应用国际学术会议在中国珠海盛大举行,并于今日圆满落下帷幕。作为CVIDL(第五届计算机视觉、图像与深度学习国际学术会议)大会的分会,IPCA 2024汇集了来自全球各地的专家学者、企业家和研究人员,共同探讨图像处理与计算机应用的最新进展和未来趋势。

With the continuous progress of technology, the fields of image processing and computer applications are facing unprecedented development opportunities. Recently, the highly anticipated 2024 International Academic Conference on Image Processing and Computer Applications was grandly held in Zhuhai, China, and successfully concluded today. As a sub conference of the 5th International Conference on Computer Vision, Image and Deep Learning (CVIDL), IPCA brings together experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, and researchers from around the world to explore the latest developments and future trends in image processing and computer applications.



During the conference, multiple themed presentations, discussions and exchanges, and technical exhibitions were held. The attendees had in-depth exchanges on cutting-edge technologies such as image recognition, computer vision, and artificial intelligence, sharing their research achievements and practical experience. 


大会现场设置了优秀口头报告和优秀论文环节。其中两位IPCA 2024的投稿作者:来自中山大学的魏滔声荣获优秀口头报告奖;来自肇庆学院的朱香元荣获优秀论文奖。

The conference set up excellent oral presentations and excellent paper sections on site. Two of the IPCA contributors, TaoshengWei from Sun Yat sen University, won the Excellent Oral Report Award; XiangyuanZhu from Zhaoqing University won the Excellent Paper Award.


(左:朱香元 Left: Xiangyuan Zhu)


(左:魏滔声 Left: Taosheng Wei)

会议期间,与会者们表现出了极高的热情和参与度。他们积极发言、提问,共同探讨图像处理与计算机应用领域的未来发展, 为图像处理与计算机应用领域的交流与合作搭建了一个重要的国际平台。

During the meeting, the attendees showed extremely high enthusiasm and participation. They actively speak up and ask questions, jointly exploring the future development of image processing and computer applications, building an important international platform for communication and cooperation in the fields of image processing and computer applications. 


本次2024年图像处理与计算机应用国际学术会议(IPCA 2024)的圆满落幕,不仅展示了图像处理与计算机应用领域的最新成果和发展趋势,也为全球范围内的专家学者、企业家和研究人员提供了一个交流思想、分享经验、拓展合作的宝贵机会。相信在不久的将来,图像处理与计算机应用领域将会迎来更加美好的发展前景。随着科技的不断创新,我们期待着下一次图像处理与计算机应用国际学术会议的召开,继续推动这一领域的进步与发展。让我们携手共进,共创图像处理与计算机应用的美好未来!

The successful conclusion of the 2024 International Conference on Image Processing and Computer Applications not only showcases the latest achievements and development trends in the field of image processing and computer applications, but also provides a valuable opportunity for experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, and researchers worldwide to exchange ideas, share experiences, and expand cooperation. I believe that in the near future, the fields of image processing and computer applications will usher in even better development prospects. With the continuous innovation of technology, we look forward to the next International Conference on Image Processing and Computer Applications to continue promoting progress and development in this field. Let's work together to create a better future for image processing and computer applications!